Error Code
Error Code is a biweekly narrative podcast that provides you both context and conversation with some of the best minds working today toward code resilience and dependability. Work that can lead to autonomous vehicles and smart cities. It’s your window in the research solving tomorrow’s code problems today.
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
When we think of massive compute power, we think of the Cloud when we really should consider the millions of unprotected OT devices with even greater slack computer power than all our current Cloud services combined. Sonu Shankar, Vice President of Product at Phosphorus Cybersecurity, talks about the challenge of communicating with PLCs and other devices, the risks from newer OT devices, and how all password-less OT devices really need to be protected. He says attacks aren’t just DDoS; today OT attacks can exfiltrate data as well.
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
There’s much of the electromagnetic spectrum that we cannot see. Like how LED wristbands are triggered at concerts or how to identify someone at DEF CON in a crowd of cellphones and electrical devices. Eric Escobar of SecureWorks provides some really clear analogies to help anyone visualize the differences between NFC, Bluetooth, and Wi Fi such as how your router and your microwave are both 2.4GHz - the difference is the number of watts behind each signal.
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
How might we mitigate the risk to millions of unauthenticated devices already out in the field? Ron Fabela, Field CTO at XONA Systems, has some ideas about how to achieve zero trust in either legacy or new OT systems. Really, it’s just a matter of reducing the attack surface.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
In a talk at Black Hat USA 2023, Sharon Brizinov and Noam Moshe from Claroty Team82, disclosed a significant vulnerability in the Open Platform Communications Universal Architecture or OPC-UA, a univsersal protocol used to synchronize different OT devices. In this episode they also discuss a new open source OPC exploit framework designed to help OT vendors check their devices in development.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
What would happen if someone stole the encryption keys for a major satellite? Well, it’d be game over. Unless the satellite used quantum cryptography. Skip Sanzeri from QuSecure explains how using “quantum tunnels” will allow even legacy satellites in orbit today to become secure in a rapidly approaching post-quantum world.
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
This is a story of what's needed for the Capture The Flag competition at DEF CON 31 to be hosted for the first time on a live satellite orbiting 400 kilometers above the Earth. Mike Walker continues his conversation, focusing more on the game to be played in Hack-A-Sat 4.
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Moonlighter is the world’s first and only hacking sandbox in space. Currently orbiting the earth near the International Space Station, the satellite is the playground for this year’s Hack-A-Sat 4 competition at DEF CON 31. Mike Walker, from Cromulence, discusses the difference between hacking a live satellite in orbit vs the previous Hack-A-Sat CTFs which only simulated the experience. We discuss limited contact windows, latency, and other aspects of orbital mechanics which will surely influence how Hack-a-Sat 4 will be played.
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Could a personal medical device be a threat for an organization? Turns out it’s similar to protecting against an attack on a mobile device. Except a denial of service here could prove fatal. Todd Brasel, the author of Security Issues of Personal Medical Devices: Concerns, Characteristics, and Controls, discusses with Error Code the research he’s done on devices either inside the body or just outside, the vulnerabilities in communications they sometimes have, and the mitigations available today.
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Josh Corman, VP of Cyber Safety Strategy at Claroty, is a hacker who knows U.S. public policy well. Ten years ago he created a volunteer organization, I Am The Cavalry, to help educate sitting legislators on active cybersecurity issues. In this episode of Error Code, Josh talks about the recently passed PATCH ACT and how it addresses some of the issues around patching medical devices over the lifetime of the device rather than just at the time of FDA certification. He also talks about his experience working for CISA during COVID-19 and how that helped inform issues within the PATCH ACT.
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
This is the story about researchers who monitor the threats against IoT and OT systems, and the steps being taken to mitigate them. Ishmael Valenzuela, Vice President of the threat research and Intelligence Team at BlackBerry, shares the latest insights from his company’s Cybersecurity Global Threat Intelligence Report. We talk about threats from Latin America and elsewhere, how firewalls alone won’t necessarily protect OT devices, how attackers and defenders are using AI technology, and how hospitals are seeing perhaps the most increase in threats.
Error Code
Error Code is a biweekly narrative infosec podcast that provides you both context and conversation with some of the best minds working today toward code resilience and dependability. Work that can lead to autonomous vehicles and smart cities. It’s your window in the research solving tomorrow’s code problems today.